Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Relief Society Enrichment Meetings

These two Top 10 List's were found on I wanted to share them because they are great! The RS Presidency and Enrichment Board plan activities with each one of you in mind. We hope each one of you will attend when you can. You all have something unique to contribute to our Relief Society sisterhood.

Top 10 Reasons why NOT to Attend Enrichment.

1.     My house is a mess!   I would rather stay home and clean. (Ha!)

 2.     I attended Enrichment Night in 1997.  Why do I need to attend another one?

 3.     I don't like having 2 hours away from the house every month.

 4.     I couldn't possibly take a night off from watching my favorite TV shows.

 5.     I am so gifted in the "spiritual" department.  I don't need to learn anything.

 6.     I don't like getting together with sisters of the same religion.

 7.     I don't like learning things like how to use time more wisely, tips for Family Home Evening, Money Management, etc.

 8.     My children and/or husband love me to spend all my time with them and not have any outside interests.

 9.     I would rather talk with telemarketers than with the women at church.

 10.   I have all the confidence I need!   Why would I want to develop more?

Top 10 Reasons why to attend Enrichment:

1)   Your husband COULD do the dishes while you are gone.

 2)  You won’t have to answer the phone.

 3)   You won’t have to be the referee for the children.

 4)   You won’t have to help with the homework and embarrass yourself  because you don’t know the answers.

 5)   You get to leave your husband with the children.

 6)   Your husband will appreciate you more when you get home! (see #5)

 7)    Adult conversation!

 8)   FREE FOOD (It bears repeating) might include chocolate.

 9)   You can learn new crafts to display in your home.

 10)  You get to see who is new in the ward!

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